Ponderosa Tree Farm & Nursery
pre-Cut Christmas Trees Are Available Every Late Nov - Early Dec
We Sell WHolesale Trees
For All Sales Information call #785-259-9010
We have a planting and delivery service for all trees. All Conifer trees are priced with freight to our farm.
We can source many varieties of maples, oaks, chestnut, service berry, birch, catalpa, hackberry, red bud, dogwood, hawthorne, beech, ash, gingko, locust, coffee tree, hibiscus, golden rain, crabapple, poplar, cottonwood, aspen, fruitless plum/pear/cherry, willow, linden, american elms, zelkova, & More! If you're looking for shrubs, let us price it for you!
We can pinpoint what will do the best in your growing zone!
these prices are for an individual tree, we make volume deals to save you money on large orders. When calling or emailing us, always tell us the amount of trees you’re looking for to receive a discount!
Wholesale Ball & Burlap (B&B) Trees Grown in Kansas
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